Great Leaps Data & Impact
Our students average a full year of reading growth with just 22 hours of instruction!
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And yet...
90%+ of students with reading troubles can be taught with early intervention!

- Our tutoring students on average show just under 2 years of instructional grade level reading growth in just the first four months of instruction when working 5 days per week.
Parents and teachers report a decrease in behavioral referrals and academic frustration in the home.
Students become increasingly motivated as the see and celebrate their success and growth with their instructor.
Research Using Great Leaps
- Our program has been backed by studies and proven to be effective in helping boost reading level growth. Here are just a few examples of those studies:
Our Impact
- Our programs have helped students in all 50 states and 40+ countries achieve an average of 2 years per year of grade level reading growth. See how Great Leaps changed these students lives:
Liam was told he would never be an independent reader. After trying several programs that failed, he finally found HUGE success with Great Leaps. Now he's reading Harry Potter!

Great Leaps has reached
600,000+ Students
In our 25+ years of service.
Student Success Stories
- Literacy changes lives! Checkout a couple incredible stories from our Great Leaps Reading students!
Ready to help make
Great Leaps
in your students' learning?
Reach out to set up a consultation to learnmore about out program.(we try to respond within 48hours).Thank You!