- Affordable – One package can teach many students to read and contains nearly 2 years of language growth lessons
- Adaptable – Great Leaps can be implemented easily as a parent or in an entire school district
- Data Driven – Equal ratio charts are kept to gauge student progress and can be used to predict student progress
- Efficient – All it takes is 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week and up to 45 minutes for Language Growth
- Simple – Great Leaps can be implemented by anyone who can read fluently
- Fun Stories – Great Leaps only uses high interest material and activities to make reading and learning language fun
- Attention Span – Working within a student’s attention span daily yields the best results in learning
- Improved Confidence – Individualized attention and positive reinforcement builds confidence and motivation
- Academic Growth – Learning to read improves student performance in all classes
- Behavior – Academic confidence often leads to a decrease in referrals
- Fluency – 2 years of reading growth per year and the progress is charted and observable
- Phonics, phrases and stories probes get increasingly difficult efficiently taking the student to an independent reading level
- The package allows instructor and student to sit across from one another to minimize risk in a school setting
- Lessons in phonological awareness followed by an oral expression activity then work in vocabulary finishing off with a song or game
- Instructor administers 3 1-minute timings in Phonics, Sight Phrases, and Stories
- Word count and errors are charted after each timing
- Ask 2-5 Depth of Knowledge questions to develop comprehension and in depth thinking
- Instructor teaches Language Growth ten to forty-five minutes a day, five days per week
- Immediate Correction when an error is made
- Modeling sections the student is struggling on using the neural impress method
- Constant positive reinforcement to build confidence and motivation
- The Effects of a Fluency Intervention Program on the Fluency and Comprehension Outcomes of Middle-School Students with Severe Reading Deficits by Sally A. Spencer California State University; Northridge and Franklin R. Manis University of Southern California
- Effects of a Reading Fluency Intervention for Middle Schoolers with Specific Learning Disabilities by Cecil D. Mercer, Kenneth U. Campbell, M. David Miller, Kenneth D. Mercer, and Holly B. Lane
- Served over 500,000 students for over 20 years
- Utilizes precision teaching methods
- Positive reinforcement from an instructor is what builds a students confidence and improves their relationship with learning and education
- One on one instruction ensures the student’s focus and effort where a computer program along cannot
- Teaching practices such as modeling and immediate correction are also best done by a caring instructor
- Instructors can coordinate plans around their students and step in when additional help is needed
- One Reading Fluency K-5 instructor and student copy and 1 Language Growth for Emergent Readers copy
- 78 Language Growth lessons and activities
- 40 Alphabet lessons
- 65 Phonics lessons
- 80 Phrases lessons
- 98 Stories with 4 levels of Depth of Knowledge questions