The Academic Success Blog by Great Leaps

Great Leaps Reading Tutoring Launch

Great Leaps Reading Tutoring Launch

For 25 years, we have refined our reading program and taught over 500,000 students. For the last 5 years, we have refined our digital reading program and now have the capability to train and empower online tutors to reach students directly! 

*keep reading for our 25% off discount code towards the end! 

What to Look for in A Reading Program

What to Look for in A Reading Program

As you’re well aware there are MANY reading programs out there, and they all claim to get fantastic results with their students. You might have ev...

Leaping Into The New School Year!

Leaping Into The New School Year!

Reading fluency and comprehension is arguably the most important skill our children learn during their time in school. It impacts nearly every subject matter directly and is crucial for independent learning that comes outside of school and in our adult lives. Sadly, across the country the school systems have been failing students in need of this vital skill.

Rachel's Reading Success With Great Leaps Tutoring

Rachel's Reading Success With Great Leaps Tutoring

Rachel was 6 years old at the start of this video. The youngest of six children, Rachel was heartbroken that she could not read but, as you can se...

If You Want to Solve a Problem, Measure It!

If You Want to Solve a Problem, Measure It!

For someone in a position to work toward solving any difficult problem, having reliable and updated measurements of the variables which matter is crucial in adjusting the strategy to solve that problem. In the world of education, this is no different and problems often sit unaddressed which can be identified and solved.

Intervene on Struggling Students With Precision

Intervene on Struggling Students With Precision

There are different interventions required for different types of students. Some are far more involved and costly in both time and money than others but prove to be overkill for the needs of the student at hand.

Sweet Taste Of Success: Trail Mix Bites

Sweet Taste Of Success: Trail Mix Bites

These little balls of motivation will definitely get your students exited to learn!

Great Leaps to Go! Digital Tutoring in NYC - Academic Success Blog

Great Leaps to Go! Digital Tutoring in NYC - Academic Success Blog

The new Great Leaps Digital program ads an incredible amount of versatility for our reading fluency intervention. As an online reading program, we can now tutor students remotely from anywhere with wifi connection and it can be used on virtually any internet connected device!

My Child is Struggling With...

My Child is Struggling With...

Often times, students struggling in reading have difficulties in other tool skills of education such as math and language. Make sure your student has a well rounded foundation as the move forwards with their education.

Identifying and Correcting Common Reading Errors

Identifying and Correcting Common Reading Errors

Accurately identifying reading errors is the first step to correcting them. Learn more about what IS an error in Great Leaps and how can instructors work to correct them.

Dream Big! The Story of Grady High School

Dream Big! The Story of Grady High School

Atlanta Georgia teacher, Jake Hackett, changed lives through literacy and personal development. All it takes is one teacher to lead the charge in making a difference and others who care will join and support you! Learn how Mr. Hackett made a huge impact on the students of Grady High.

First 6 Weeks of Great Leaps

First 6 Weeks of Great Leaps

What kind of results will you see in your students in just six weeks? Read this personal account to find out!
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